LaserStar Technologies Laser Marking Catalog


F iber C ube ® T echnology — H ere ’ s H ow it W orks LaserStar FiberCube® Marking+Engraving Systems are a fast and clean technology, rapidly replacing older laser technologies. Direct to part laser marking+engraving has become a common process in many industries. It offers a non-contact, abrasion resistant, permanent laser mark onto almost any type of material. High speed, high precision, micro laser marking and/or laser engraving of part information, readable alpha-numerics, barcodes or data-matrix serial numbers, corporate logos, graphic designs, etc. are possible on a wide range of component parts and materials. M arking +E ngraving B asics With laser marking+engraving, focused light from a laser interacts with a material to produce a high quality, permanent mark on an object. A laser engraving system is usually made up of a fiber laser engine, scan head assembly (commonly known as galvos) and control software. The software also provides the interface to manage multi-axis motion systems if required. Frequently, fiber laser marking systems not only mark, but offer laser engraving and laser machining capabilities, including thin material cutting, scribing and material removal. The laser is equipped with StarFX® Premier Design Studio Software that enables the laser engraving of text, graphics, logos, barcodes and data-matrix codes. Automation features enable part serialization, date coding, variable text inputs, remote programming, input/output control and many other programming features.

K ey F eatures & B enefits  Maintenance Free MOPA Engine  Air-Cooled, Compact Systems  Programmable Motorized Z-Axis  Focus Diode Kit Assembly  Multiple F-Theta Lens Options  Easily Integrated Footprint  Complete Turnkey Solutions  Multiple Platforms

 Easy To Use...  Simple to Maintain...  Low Cost of Ownership

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