LaserStar Technologies Laser Welding Catalog
E ducating T oday ’ s L aser P rofessionals
Our education courses are designed to provide you with a solid foundation of fundamental laser skill sets to immediately gain a revenue impact with your new or existing iWeld®, LaserStar®, FiberStar® or FiberCube® System. LaserStar’s Application Specialists are highly-trained, seasoned professionals with more than 100 years combined experience in laser applications. Our experts will demonstrate techniques and share real examples of how LaserStar’s technology will impact your business in regard to time, money and artistic approach. Also our online laser academy and training courses are designed to provide you with a solid foundation of fundamental system operation skill sets.
24/7 Self-Guided Training Videos
Specialized, Interactive Online Training
Purchase LaserStar Academy™ and receive access to our vast library of self-guided training videos that equips you with tools crucial for optimizing your specific application requirements.
Join our Fully Interactive, Instructor-Led, Live Online Training classes. Each multi-hour class will deepen your knowledge and expertise and enable you to get valuable answers to your most pressing questions.
Technical Specifications at or request a Product Data Sheet.
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